Real Apricot and Wine Grapes Rabbitshit from the Wachau Valley©
This is the one and only "Real Apricot and Wine Grapes Rabbitshit from the Wachau valley©"
Coming in a metal box with more or less 60 or 120 grams of yummy fun in.
A fruity mix from dried Apricot pieces and Wine Grapes in handmade dark chocolate.
Fresh collected by us this morning.
Especially for you and your friends.
Finally only available here in our Shop.
House of colors - handmade Art by Corinna Kirchhof.
Because the idea to create this yummy Fruit mix comes out of our brain,
Conny & Bernd.
Made with love.
Hope to see you soon for a free tasting and
for listen to the very old and modern funny fairy tail behind....the only true one!!!
Now you can order the "Real Apricot and Wine Grapes Rabbitshit from the Wachau Valley©"
via our Online Store.
Shipping costs for Austria € 7,50.
Shipping costs for Europe including Switzerland and Great Britain € 20,00.
Shipping costs for the whole world including USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand € 35,00 €.
Shipping costs apply to the whole order and not per can.
Each order is limited up to 3 Boxes. If you need more please contact us.
Small Box with more or less 60 grams - € 9,50
As well as little cute bunnies hand-painted by Corinna.
The rabbits are sitting on a stone from the Danube. In production. As a gift set with a large can of "Real Apricot and Wine Grapes Rabbitshit from the Wachau Valley©"
for € 30,00.
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Für den Inhalt externer Seiten sind alleine dehren Betreiber verantwortlich und nicht wir.
Copyright© and all rights to the images are exclusively for Corinna Kirchhof. Forbidden
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Court of jurisdiction is Krems an der Donau - Austria. It also applies the Austrian, German and European and worldwide law to the protection of intellectual property.Only the operators are
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