House of colors  handmade Art by Corinna Kirchhof

Fashion and Lifestyle - A Brand from Austria




Natural Wachau Valley Jewelry©


The Wachau valley is the origin of all our original products.

Formed and shaped by the Danube, the unique large European river.
The Danube created the beautiful Wachau Valley.

With the mild Panonian climate.

Wine loves warm days and cool nights.

The vineyards with the stone terraces characterize the extensive Danube valley.

On the south bank opposite Dürnstein, Weißenkirchen and Spitz there are large, flat areas of sponge land.

Alluvial forests with rich biodiversity.

Extensively agriculturally used fertile soils.

Rossatz-Arnsdorf is famous for its apricot orchards and juicy fruits.

Tasty wine is also cultivated.

But that's not all.

Our farmers in Rossatz-Arnsdorf dedicate themselves

to many other tasty products such as apples, pears, plums, cherries, peaches, almonds, walnuts.

The dried fruits, seeds, peel, pods, bark and wood, together with special stones, sand, crystals, minerals and shells from the Danube, are the components of our

"Natural Wachau Valley Jewelry©" and "Natural Decoration©".

We look for, collect, clean, dry and conserve all the components

and then turn them into unique natural works of art by Conny.

The idea for the new art line

"Natural Wachau Valley Jewelry©" and "Natural Decoration©"

came up during long hikes in nature in front of our new home in the old Rossatz Castle on the Pillory.

Thanks to the many unusual free time that Covid 19 has given us since mid-March 2020... and our move, which was also caused by Covid 19.

The "Natural Wachau Valley Jewelry©" art line is available as necklaces in different sizes.

Round or heart shaped.

With matching earrings.

Every piece of this jewelry is unique.


Natural Wachau Valley Jewelry© - Metal bark


Necklaces and Earrings - round and heart shaped.
Different sizes.


Filled with beautiful, exquisite, uniquely delicious ingredients.

Handpicked ingredients from the Danube,the Wachau Valley and the Dunkelsteiner Forest.

Danube stones, Danube mussels, Danube sand, dried fruits from Grüner Veltliner and Blauem Zweigelt

decorated in a creamy paste.

Seasoned with a pinch or two of crystals and minerals.

Finished off with a glossy protective layer.

Well hung on a chain or hook.

Every piece of jewelery is an eye-catcher developed with love.

Clean. Allergy free. Skin-friendly. Healthy Unique.


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Copyright© und alle Rechte an den Motiven liegen ausschließlich bei Corinna Kirchhof.
Vervielfältigung und Nachproduktionen sind verboten. Zuwiderhandlungen werden gerichtlich verfolgt. Gerichtsstand ist Krems an der Donau - Österreich. Es gilt entsprechend das österreichische, deutsche und europäische sowie weltweite Recht zum Schutze des geistigen Eigentums.
Für den Inhalt externer Seiten sind alleine dehren Betreiber verantwortlich und nicht wir. 


Copyright© and all rights to the images are exclusively for Corinna Kirchhof. Forbidden reproduction and subsequent productions. Violators will be prosecuted.
Court of jurisdiction is Krems an der Donau - Austria. It also applies the Austrian, German and European and worldwide law to the protection of intellectual property.Only the operators are responsible for the content of external sites and not us.


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© House of colors - Handmade Art by Corinna Kirchhof / 2012 - 2025 Shop Location - 3601 Dürnstein 75 / Am Prangerplatz - Austria CoBe-Kunst & Dienstleistungen GesbR Corinna Kirchhof & Bernd Schweinsberg
