Recycling Pictures on Canvas
Designed and made by Corinna Kirchhof on canvas.
Used rest pieces from her jewelry work.
Like all kinds of pearls...different jewelry wire rest strings or hand turned jewelry wire ornaments.
Used brushes, spatulas, scraper and spreader in all sizes.
Crumb, sand, flowers, bears.....and hand collected old stones out of the Danube river in the Wachau valley.
All fixed with a special golden or silver paste.
Sizes are small - medium - big.
Each is a totally unique world of Artwork.
€ 150,00 up to € 1.500,00
Acrylic Pictures on Canvas
Hand painted by Corinna Kirchhof
Pictures are on canvas painted with acrylic colors.
Motifs are hearts, angels, flowers and fantasy
in colorful abstract style.
€ 40,00 up to € 150,00
Different Designs for T-Shirts
painted on strong paper in a suitcase size.
€ 40,00
from her Artwork.
Printout from The Heart
Suitcase size
€ 15,00
Gift Card
with 4 pages and envelope
€ 5,00
Copyright© und alle Rechte an den Motiven liegen ausschließlich bei Corinna Kirchhof.
Vervielfältigung und Nachproduktionen sind verboten. Zuwiderhandlungen werden gerichtlich verfolgt. Gerichtsstand ist Krems an der Donau - Österreich. Es gilt entsprechend das österreichische,
deutsche und europäische sowie weltweite Recht zum Schutze des geistigen Eigentums.
Für den Inhalt externer Seiten sind alleine dehren Betreiber verantwortlich und nicht wir.
Copyright© and all rights to the images are exclusively for Corinna Kirchhof. Forbidden
reproduction and subsequent productions. Violators will be prosecuted.
Court of jurisdiction is Krems an der Donau - Austria. It also applies the Austrian, German and European and worldwide law to the protection of intellectual property.Only the operators are
responsible for the content of external sites and not us.