Handmade by Corinna Kirchhof - Allergy free. - Each is unique.
Hand painted by Corinna Kirchhof.
Different colors and ornaments.
Scarf 100 % silk.
Washable by hand with soap and worm water.
Getting soft and smooth after the first wasching.
Different styles.
Size: 180 cm x 45 cm / 70,87 inch x 17,72 inch
Colors: Dark Turquoise, Orange / Yellow, Purple, Green, Pink, Dark Blue, Red / Orange, Brown, Light Blue, Pink / Yellow...
Each is unique.
€ 95,00
Sunvisor handpainted
Fashion Sunvisor with 5 inch of sun protection.
Base color black.
Adjustable = fits each head. Wind save neck cord.
Hand painted and decorated with a lot of different rest pieces
from Conny´s artwork.
Mixed in a special golden and sliver paste.
Fixed with a fixing spray that every thing stays on its place.
Hats shield is strong, the headband is soft and smooth.
Each is a complete unique modern outfit for you.
€ 75,00
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